
- Conversations in the cave are no longer dependant on which participant is the player (e.g. talking to Tauma as Dax vs. talking to Dax as Tauma)

- Clicking now advances dialogue, and the mouse can be used to select dialogue choices

- Drone can no longer shoot during dialogue

- Player no longer gains or loses energy during dialogue

- Added a slight input delay to advancing dialogue to prevent accidentally skipping lines when speeding up dialogue

- Revamped tutorial, it is now skippable, can be exited at any point (directly through dialogue, going into the cave, or researching), and takes place in the main area

- Removed starting wind turbine

- Increased energy when starting new game from 100 to 120


Spacethumper2 V0.7.3.zip 134 MB
May 03, 2024

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